Add free Steam games with ArchiSteamFarm (ASF)
Recently I came across a neat software, ArchiSteamFarm. Its primary function according to its Github page is
ASF is a C# application with primary purpose of farming Steam cards from multiple accounts simultaneously.
But it can do so much more.
You know how you sometime stumble upon links like !addlicense asf a/2641230
or !addlicense ASF 988948
? Those are the links we'll need once we set up our ASF to add free games to our steam account.
What can you do with these links? As the name already suggests, you add a "license" to your account. In short: we'll be adding free Steam games to our Steam account!
Take the link from above and add the Number-Part to, e.g., those are the Steam games you'll add with these strange looking links like !addlicense asf a/2641230
. Check your already added Steam games here:
Let's begin by navigating to and downloading the version for your OS. For the purpose of this tutorial, I'm going with the Windows version. Shouldn't be that big a difference on Linux and macOS.
Unpack the downloaded .zip and start the ArchiSteamFarm.exe
once, then close it. After that navigate to the config
folder and make a file MySteamASFbot.json
with those entries:
"Enabled": true,
"HoursUntilCardDrops": 1,
"SteamLogin": ,
"SteamPassword": ,
"AutoDiscoveryQueue": true,
"FarmOffline": true,
"Headless": false
Start the ArchiSteamFarm.exe
again. You'll now be asked to enter your Steam Username. Ignore it and press Enter. Open your browser, enter http://localhost:1242/commands
and in the command-line interface enter this command: encrypt 2 [YOUR STEAM PASSWORD]
. It should output a very long string of letters. Copy and paste it into your MySteamASFbot.json
like this and add the line "PasswordFormat": 2,
"Enabled": true,
"HoursUntilCardDrops": 1,
"PasswordFormat": 2,
"AutoDiscoveryQueue": true,
"FarmOffline": true,
"Headless": false
Now start ArchiSteamFarm.exe
again. If you have SteamGuard enabled, follow the on-screen instructions. If you've done everything right, the output in the console should look like this:Almost done! Now that we've set up everything, where do we get the links to add the games, you ask?
Okay, now you've got the codes, say for example,
!addlicense ASF
And now what? When the ArchiSteamFarm.exe
is running, press c
, copy and paste the code, press enter and wait. You should see Status: Ok/NoDetail
if a game has been added successfully.
If you add all these games, you'll probably end up with ~12000 free games in your steam account. However, there's a small problem with that: You can only add 50 games every hour. If you try to add more, you'll get an error saying Status: Fail/RateLimited
That's a limit enforced by Steam, there's no way around that. So with ~12000 games, á 50 games per hour, that's 240 hours, that's 10 whole days. I'm not sure it can be automated. If it can, I haven't found out how.