

Web browser benchmarks: Firefox vs. Waterfox vs. Pale Moon vs. Chromium vs. Chrome

I was curious how some browser perform and what kind of web browser benchmarks were available, so I ran Kraken, SunSpider, HTML5, JetStream, Octane 2.0 and […]

Streaming made easy with OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)!

A little while back I began streaming my gameplay sessions because I didn’t always want to record, encode, upload. I’m a lazy bum, I admit. While […]

2 essential web-services for any web-designer & web-master!

There are 2 online tools I find myself using quite often and whose, in my opinion, should be in any utility belt of any web-designer and […]

Create your own “perfect” password!

Recently I’ve read some articles about the most insecure and most used passwords folks use. Boy, I gotta say, it’s mind numbing just how stupid some […]

YouTube increases Upload limit to 15 mintues!

Just a friendly reminder. As of 29th July 2010, YouTube increased their Upload limit from 10 to 15 minutes! Finally! Cheers!

Google launches its own dictionary!

Apparently decided to launch its own dictionary without telling anybody about it: Enjoy! PS: I prefer LEO, Cambridge Dictionaries Online, Merrian-Webster and Urbandictionary over Google’s […]

How to enable the New Google Search!

Apparently has a new search design: How to enable it: Go to Copy/Paste this into your web browser address field and hit enter: [crayon-66a4c0b3e4ae1191727500/] […]

The Don’s WordPress Plugins Round-Up!

I’ve got a few emails lately asking me what kind of plug-ins I use with my WordPress blog! I confess, I’m a lazy baastich, I use […]

Using Firefox 3.x? Speed it up by vacuuming its SQLite database!

Recently I stumbled onto some tips how to speed up ones Firefox. Firefox, since the version 3, uses a SQLite database for various tasks such as […]